lundi 26 janvier 2015

Les Nuits Saturniennes .: En réponse à un rêve sur l'antimoine :.

Ces nuits présentent des objets qui s'offrent dématérialisés, confus et clairs, pour installer une tension narrative où se contractent trois éléments en dialogue sur un quatrième inconnu, trois éléments condensés en leur plus puissante énergie, celle de l'attente. De là la solitude, la lenteur, le détachement et l'inertie de ces nuits.

            Mais d'apparence passive seulement. Car ce quatrième est l'omniprésent noir, espace de projections infinies. Son pouvoir de fascination crée un vide au sein duquel vit une masse confuse sujette à tous les phantasmes. Positif du monde intérieur, négatif de la conscience, il est en somme l'Inconscient dans tout ce qu'il a d'inconnaissable. C'est par lui seul qu'on trouve la liberté de lier la trame des éléments qui évoluent sur ce fond - parce qu'il les a produits. Il est l'inspiration et le souffle qui les unient et les abîment. Ces saturniennes furent ainsi réalisées au cœur de la nuit afin de lui laisser la plus grande place.

            Toutefois, céder sa  part au nocturne, c'est aussi ouvrir une brèche au dialogue du rêve. Ces panoramas sont alors moins des triptyques d'objets plus ou moins hétérogènes que des paysages intérieurs fragmentés, comme ces rêves qui nous visitent la nuit avec leur part de fortunes et de mystères. Le rêveur ne peut alors qu'en recueillir les impressions pour les amplifier à sa conscience en un Tout qui lui correspond.

jeudi 16 octobre 2014

Carl G. Jung - Illumination

"I have frequently seen people become neurotic when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life. They seek position, marriage, reputation, outward success or money, and remain unhappy and neurotic even when they have attained what they were seeking. Such people are usually confined within too narrow a spiritual horizon. Their life has not sufficient content, sufficient meaning. If they are enabled to develop into more spacious personalities, the neurosis generally disappears. For that reason the idea of development was always of the highest importance to me.
The majority of my patients consisted not of believers but of those who had lost their faith. The ones who came to me were the lost sheep. Even in this day and age the believer has the opportunity, in his church, to live the "symbolic life." [...] But to live and experience symbols presupposes a vital participation on the part of the believer, and only too often this is lacking in people today. In the neurotic it is practically always lacking. In such cases we have to observe whether the unconscious will not spontaneously bring up symbols to replace what is lacking. But then the question remains of whether a person who has symbolic dreams or visions will also be able to understand their meaning and take the consequences upon himself."

Carl G. Jung - Hermaphrodite

"The more a man lays stress on false possession, and the less sensitivity he has for what is essential, the less satisfying is his life. He feels limited because he has limited aims, and the result is envy and jealousy. If we understand and feel that here in this life we already have a link with the infinite, desires and attitudes change. In the final analysis, we count for something only because of the essential we embody, and if we do not embody that, life is wasted. In our relationships to other men, too, the crucial question is whether an element of boundlessness is expressed in the relationship.
The feeling for the infinite, however, can be attained only if we are bounded to the utmost. The greatest limitation for man is the "self" ; it is manifested in the experience : "I am only that!" Only consciousness of our narrow confinement in the self forms the link to the limitlessness of the unconscious. In such awareness we experience ourselves concurrently as limited and eternal, as both the one and the other. In knowing ourselves to be unique in our personal combination - that is, ultimately limited - we possess also the capacity for becoming conscious of the infinite. But only then!"